Web-Site Packages

Home | Client's Web-Sites | Packages


On this page you will find the packages and BASIC pricing for the services.

You will notice that Painless Web Services builds sites using the standard 800 X 600 format, this is because most home Desktop PC's and many laptop's have screens 15 inches or smaller...the higher screen resolutions will not display correctly on these machines. The majority of web users still view the web using the standard 800 X 600 screen resolution. 

Package "A"
( WealthGoals  Client's Web-Site Sample ) 
This is the most basic, single web-page. A lot of businesses can get away with this and not need to do anything more for a while...
It includes ONE preformatted page, some background colors and styles are optional.
This package also includes ONE photograph, and ONE animation, should you choose to use them.
You may also have a link to an existing E-mail account, or a new E-mail account can be created for an additional charge of: $55.00
This Package is priced for limited time introductory offer at:  $ 249.95
Package "B"
This one is the HOT TICKET, by far the most popular!
This package includes:
3 web-pages, with an optional basic Guest Book for client comments.
One photo per page.
One animation per page if you desire.
A link to your exisisting E-mail account, or a new account can be created for an additional charge of: $55.00
Additional pages may be added also for an additional charge.
Plan "B" is introductory priced at:  $ 649.95

OPTIONS at additional cost.
Web-Site administration for: Package "A" 
$249.95 for one year, plus $35.00 per text addition / change - $35.00 per photo / animation change, after initial set-up.
Web-Site administration for: Package "B"
$349.95 for one year, plus $35.00 per text addition / change + $35.00 per photo / animation change, after initial set-up.
Collage PHOTO Creation...examples can be seen on the SteviDolls Client's Web-Site, $125.00 per hour + up-loading to your site.  
Simple background music - midi file addition - many song titles are available but we can't guarantee that EVERY song will be available... $55.00
Contact us Via E-mail for a QUOTE...
OK...Here's the BIGGIE!
If you choose to have us administer your web-site,  
we will teach you to make the changes / additions to YOUR Web-Site YOURSELF.
The advantage is, that you NEVER have to pay for someone else to do those modifications for you ever again!
$75.00 per instruction.
Why would we do this?
Because we know that you will be so satisfied with your experience with Painless Web Services, that you will recommend us to others!

Find another Web-Service that has enough faith in their product to list the prices UP-FRONT!


Painless Web Services operates through only the best second party web-space providers such as: AOL Hometown, Yahoo!, Lycos/Tripod and others. We cannot be held liable for catastrophic damage or deletion of a web-site or web-page, due to damage of their servers, network, equipment failure, or other causes such as, but not limited to:  "Acts of GOD", the deliberate or unintentional acts of "hackers", terrorists, or Viruses and/or Worms.